There are more then 15 beautiful diving spots within only 10-60 minutes boat drive from our diving center. Most of them are around divine archipelago of Pakleni (Paklinski) Islands (Hell Islands). The wrong translation of Croatian word "paklina" (resin) turned them into Hell's Islands, in fact they are real Paradise.
You'll find pleasure in discovering colored walls, caves, wracks,as well as rich flora and fauna of transparently clear Adriatic sea.
On the west end of this archipelago, there is a small island of Vodnjak, surrounded by several dive points. The top one is also known as "Campanile" or "Turm", as it has a shape of a church tower, only without the peak. The tower is arising from "nowhere" up to some 10m under the surface. The most interesting part is the canyon with red gorgons from 15-40m depth, and a 5m long tunnel on 35m. The adrenaline powered "diving in blue", rewarded by explosion of sea-life colors and shapes, will assure you once more that taking a diving course was one of the best decision in your life.
This location is appropriate even for beginners. An interesting 70m long wall (max.depth is 30m), hides some 20m long cave only 5m under the surface. Lot of colors and sea-life will please even experienced divers.
The rock rises a bit out of the water and you'll be dropped very close to it. This spot is a beautiful chimney dive starting from 30 m and exiting on 11m. There are cracks and holes in ceiling letting the sunlight to create a shadow dance. It's a home to scorpion fish, moray eels and occasional lobster. The entrance is usually guarded by a conger eel and forkbeard. The dive continues along the wall where the boat will be waiting for you.
Baba is the lighthouse on 20 min boat drive distance. The bottom descend slowly from 5 – 20 m, there the beautiful wall begins and goes up to 30 m, on some places even 40. The wall is full of yellow gorgons, orange and yellow sponges. You'll see scorpion fish, moray eel, forkbeard and lobsters. Back to shallow where you can search for octopus or if you are lucky... even a yellow hypocampus.
Stambedar is also a part of archipelago some 20 minutes away from our diving center. The bottom is slightly sinking to a 20m deep plateau, where after few meters lose itself into 50m deep wall. The upper part is covered with typical flora and fauna of this part of Adriatic sea, various kinds of red algae, sponges and fish. Going down, the forest of red gorgons is waiting for you.
The wreck "Paulina" was an English merchandize boat sunken some 150 years ago in a lagoon on 30 min boat drive distance. First part of a dive is a Posidonia field giving shelter to tiny sea-creatures. A sandy seabed slopes slowly to 30 m depth, a grave for an old wooden boat coated by yellow sponges. John Dory or conger eel can be seen here even for daylight.
Another dive for drop-offs lovers. On the first part of the wall, on a depth of 30-35 m you'll se lobsters, moray eel, sleeping spotted dogfish and often a schools of Jacks or seabreams passing by. Ascending towards the end of the wall, et a depth of 18m you'll encounter a big Admiral anchor hanging on the very edge of the cliff.